Friday, December 5, 2014

Never Going Back Again

November Favorites 

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) November has now come and gone. December is here which means that it is the month of my 22nd birthday (shout out to all the Sagittarius' out there!) & Christmas. It's no wonder December is my favorite month! Although I have been looking froward to the month change I tried my hardest to make the most out of November. I think I did a pretty good job :) I hope yours was wonderful too. Here are some of the things I was loving this month. 


Old Navy Baby Blue Sweater

I got this while I was on a big shopping trip at Old Navy because I thought that it would add some diversity to my wardrobe seeing as I didn't have anything this color. I have ended up wearing this constantly. If I am hesitant on what to wear this is my go to sweater. It is so comfy and I think the color is pretty with my skin. 

Old Navy Wine Sweater

I also got this on that same Old Navy shopping trip. I technically have lots of things similar to this color but they are burgundy or maroon where as this is more of a wine. I love it. I think the color is gorgeous. I had to get it in a large because they were out of mediums and I wanted it to badly to walk away. It hasn't made me wear it any less though. I reach for this way to often. People are going to think that this and my baby blue sweater at the only things in my wardrobe!


My Favorite Pair Of Oxfords

I wear this shoe everyday. That may sound like an exaggeration but at some point, on any given day, I will have these on my feet. I love them. That are literally my favorite pair of shoes. I am sure they aren't to everyones taste but mine is the only one that matter when it comes to my wardrobe. 

Brown Riding Boots 

I got these on sale for $45, down from $90. I love them. They are the first pair of boots I've ever gotten with a heel. They feel a lot nicer than the ones I own that are flat. The color is really pretty and they have this built in lining that keeps your feet very warm. 


My Mama got me this scarf for Christmas last year. It is so pretty. People mistake it for being a Vera Bradley pattern all of the time. Since I live in Texas I've only gotten to wear this a handful of time but it has been pretty cold here in the past month so I did get a few chances. I love wearing it :) 


Milani Baked Blush in Red Vino

This was recommend by Bethany Mota (it was in her fall 2013 routine video). The second I saw it I knew it as the perfect fall/winter color. It goes so wonderful with all of the lip colors I want to wear around this time. It is quite lovely and not expensive. I did have to go to four different stores to find it but it was definitely worth the time. 

Rimmel Kate Moss in 107 & Tanya Burr's Vampire Kiss Lip Gloss

I have talked about these both before but that just shows I love them! I put on a thin layer of 107 with my finger as a base and then put on a little Vampire's Kiss on top. It is so pretty and goes well with everything. I am sure it is a color that would look good on any skin tone as well. 


Starbucks "You Are Here" Mugs 

Dallas. Houston. San Antonio. Las Vegas. Austin. Nashville. New York.

I have been collecting these mugs for quite a long time now. I love them. They are not only pretty and fun (deciding which location to drink from definitely takes you back to those places) but they are also the perfect size for a great cup of coffee. I can't wait to add more to my collection. For me, this is the perfect souvenir from traveling.


Thanksgiving Dinner

***I don't even have a picture for this category because I was so excited to eat my meal that I didn't think to snap a photo before I dug in.***

This was an obvious addition to this months favorites. It may not be something that I had all month but it was something that I knew was coming all month and was looking forward to. It's a meal with all of those classic Thanksgiving foods that you only really get once a year. I got to have two Thanksgiving dinners this year and they were both great. The best part, of course, was being surrounded by family, friends and loved ones.


Law & Order: SVU

When Elliot left the show after season 12 I refused to continue watching, which was very difficult considering it is one of my all time favorite shows. One day I was sitting and rewatching an old episode when I decide that I wanted to know what happened & wanted to watch an episode with a storyline I didn't know. I started season 13 extremely hesitantly. From that first episode I was hooked on the new seasons. It is very difficult to say but I have seen some of the best episodes of SVU I have ever seen in season 13-16. There are times when I wish it was less of "The Olivia Benson Show" but I do understand why she plays such a large role. If you have never seen the show or haven't seen the more recent seasons then I must insist that you watch it. All 16 seasons are available on Hulu Plus. It is such a great show that you could honestly get through them all in a few months. 

Tyler Oakley's Psychobabble

I love Tyler Oakley. This is no secret. I have included him in a favorites a few months back even. I wish he could be my best friend. He recently started a podcast with his good friend Korey Kohl and it is just as wonderful as his videos. Tyler manages to somehow be just as alive through this format as he is through his videos. With the end of each episode I wish that it had gone on longer. It is free to listen and subscribe, so there is no excuse not to try it out :)

Well that is all for this month. I hope that your December is filled with tons of joy, love & laughter. No matter what you are celebrating this month just remember that surrounding yourself with loved ones is the best gift you could as for :) Let me know what your favorite things in November were in the comments below & I will see you next time!

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