Thursday, September 3, 2015

I'm With You

Summer Makeup Haul 

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) So I have been forming quite the collection of new makeup this summer. I have my largest intake of money during the summer so it is really the time when I get to splurge on things like makeup. I managed to get a lot of things that were on my wishlist and I'm pretty thrilled with all of my purchases. I figured I would show y'all what I got and maybe see if there are any things that I should do a full review on. I figured for this post, instead of reviewing the items (that could take all day) I would just say why I wanted them in the first place. 


Marc Jacobs Honey Perfume

I have been looking into getting a nicer perfume for a while now. I love perfume but have always sort of gravitated toward the cheaper end. I smelled this and knew that this was the (slightly) more expensive perfume I wanted to start with.

Vera Wang Hippie Princess Perfume

I have always said that I am a bit of a hippie. I think that I am naturally drawn to a lot of things that could be compared to a hippie or boho vibe. I have used the original Vera Wang Princess perfume since I was in high school and just finished a bottle. I have smelled all of the variations over the years but this is the only one that pulled me in. It's the perfect summer scent for me.


Tarte Amazonian Clay 12 Hour Blush in Captivating 

I have been slowly building my makeup collection over the past year or so and at the beginning of the summer I noticed a distinct gap in my collection. I have practically no blushes. I decided that one of the ones I needed to purchase was the perfect summer, peace/orange shade. Captivating checked that box and more. 

Too Faced Love Flush Blush in Baby Love 

Another blush tone that I decided I needed was a more neutral, nude tone. This blush has a bit of mauve vibe but it is the neutral shade I was looking for that also suits my skin tone. I knew a neutral shade would open up my options for eye and lip looks.

Urband Decay Naked Skin Weightless Complete Coverage Concealer in Light Warm

The reason behind wanting this was pretty simple... EVERYONE and their mother raves about it one Youtube. I don't buy into every product that is raved about online but there comes a point when you are listening to your 15th beauty guru saying you need something and you think "well I must need that". I also mainly stick to concealer in terms of coverage and so I'm always looking for good ones.

Benefit Hoola Bronzer 

Bronzers were another area that I was seriously lacking in. The only bronzer in my collection was NARS Laguna, which is an excellent product but it can only do so much. My best friend highly recommended this and said it would work well for me. I take her recommendations to heart.


Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette 

I always thought of this palette as being for blue eyes, which I am not blessed with. I thought it was gorgeous but figured that there was no point in purchasing it (just like I shouldn't have purchased the Naked 2 palette, but that is another story). Then one day my cousins best friend, who works at Ulta, said that it would go perfect with my red hair. I had never heard this before. Apparently it is a thing though because I got told two more times when I was shopping in Sephora that I should purchase it. That was all of the convincing I needed.

Tarte Tartelette Palette 

I have a lot of palettes at this point but there was thing I was pretty largely missing in that category, a good matte collection. I looked at a few of the strictly matte palette options but none of them felt right besides the Tarte one. That big mirror didn't hurt anything either.

Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette 

I love my Too Faced Neutral Eyes Palette so much that I knew I wanted another Too Faced one. Kathleen Lights, aka one of my favorite Youtubers, very highly recommends this one so I decided to check it out. I liked the color selection in the original better than the semi-sweet one so I went with it.

Colourpop & Kathleen Lights Where The Light Is Quad 

As I just said, Kathleen is one of my favorite Youtubers. When I found out that she did an eyeshadow collaboration with Colourpop I knew that I would love it. She is drawn to the same colors that I am so I knew they would be warm and glowy.

Rimmel Scandaleyes Kohl Eyeliner in Purple 

This is my holy grail eyeliner. I thought the purple would be pretty with my Naked 3 palette and with my brown eyes.

Maybelline Brow Drama in Auburn

I am pretty attached to my Benefit Gimmie Brow but I figured that if there was a drugstore alternative then I should probably check it out. Plus they only have two shades in the Benefit line and Maybelline was offering an Auburn option, which happens to be my hair color.


Colourpop Lippie Sticks 

As with the eyeshadow quad, I had to purchase this lipstick (Lumiere) because it was a collaboration with Kathleen. That's about the extent of my thought process.

I know this might seem like a bit of a splurge but I have been obtaining these things over the last few months. I didn't purchase it all on one trip. If there are any items that you would like to see a full review of let me know in the comments :) 

Monday, August 31, 2015

I Just Can't Stop Loving You

August (& Some July) Favorites 

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) I very epically missed the month of July when it came to a favorites post. I mean I was still working on writing that when August 15th rolled around. At that point I figured it was a lost cause and I should just let it go. I have sense realized that I was having such a hard time with that post because July came and went so quickly that I honestly hadn't accumulated many favorite things. Not having much to write about can certainly make doing a post difficult. As there is not really any excuse for my absence from posting, I am not going to make any. I am simply going to say that my August has been lovely (I hope yours has as well) and I have many things that I loved along the way. I am also going to lump the few things I had in that July favorites post in with this one. I wouldn't want them to feel left out after all ;) 


Spiderman Shirt 

I got this shirt at Target. It was on sale for $7. Can you believe that? I mean $7. Craziness. Anyways, it is technically a pajama top but that hasn't stopped me from wearing it during the day... and very much in public. I have reached for this so often in the last two months that I lost count a long time ago. I think it is so adorable. I have also paired it with a red lip a few times, which I love.


James Avery Birthstone Ring 

This was a bit of a splurge after receiving a larger paycheck than I had expected early this month. I have had my eye on this ring since I was in high school but the large price tag associated with it, along with my tendency to lose anything with a large price tag associated with it always stopped me from actually purchasing it. Then at the beginning of the month I went in with Amanda so that she could get a charm her boyfriend bought her added to her charm bracelet and I decided to just go for it. I love seeing it on my had. It is gorgeous.

*That's the birthstone for a December birthday, by the way. 


Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette

I may have featured this palette in my favorites before, and I also did an entire review on it during my palette review week, but it really is just the best. It is small and perfect for throwing in my makeup bag. Plus the amount of looks that you can get from just this palette is outstanding. It is the perfect neutral palette (yes, even compared to the original Naked palette) and it has the prettiest gold eyeshadow in it, which is perfect for my favorite eye look.

Tarte Amazonian Clay 12 Hour Blush in Captivating  

I purchased this hoping that it would a) compliment my skin tone well (peaches and oranges tend to) and b) be the perfect summertime blush. It has delivered on both accounts. In fact it has surpassed my expectations. It is one of the most gorgeous blushed I have ever seen. A little goes a long way too, so I imagine that it will last more for many summers to come.

Rimmel Kate Moss Lipstick in 32

I bought this color hoping that it would go well with my Tarte blush from above. It does. My go to summer makeup has now consisted of a gold smokey eye, peachy cheeks, and orange lips. I love it. It is a little drying but if I don't pack it on that isn't much of a problem.

Vera Wang Hippie Princess Perfume

It was a bit of a struggle to find this. I saw it at Ulta a few months ago and knew I wanted it. I should have bought it then and there (the universe has tried to teach me this lesson many times but it just can't manage to stick) but I wanted to wait until my next paycheck. Well when I went back to get it they, of course, did not have it. I produced to look for it, at multiple stores over multiple weeks, to no avail. Then one day I was running a little early and needed to fill some time so I wandered into an Ulta. I definitely wasn't looking for this perfume but there it was when I walked in the door. I immediately checked out and walked out with it. We have been in a wonderful love affair ever since.


NYC & Paris Canvas Art

I have been trying to make my apartment feel more like a home since the day we moved in. I think I have finally managed to get there over the past month. The only thing that could make it feel any better would be Autumn, which is right around the corner. One of the big things is all of the art I have hanging now. These sets of NYC & Paris scenes are so perfect. It fits the little umbrella & travel theme that I have got going. I honestly just love looking at them.

Mason Jar with Straw

My roommate Clay & I love these skits from Comedy Central called Publizity. Due to our obsessive nature we obviously had to get cups like theirs. I got the mason jar, as I am the one with bangs (that will makes sense if you look up the bangs video they are welcome). 


Tyler Oakley's Auguest 

I included this in my August favorites last year too because it is simply amazing. I love Tyler and I love collaborations. A whole month of collab videos every weekday is a magical experience. They are done now, and you should go binge (speaking of binge, check out his book that is available for preorder now) watch them all!

Young & Hungry 

I kept seeing this on Netflix, and figured I would probably like it since it was an ABC Family show, but I hadn't gotten around to it yet when I found out that my Mama had watched it and really enjoyed it. This was the only push I needed to finally start watching it. I am SO glad that I did. It is not only quick and witty but also hilarious. A great cast and wonderful writing mix to create an adorably fun comedy. Plus Emily Osment plays the main character... childhood flashbacks anyone?

Burning House by Cam 

I am slightly embarrassed to admit this... A little backstory is needed to understand why though. So back in March I went to SXSW to see Sam Hunt. Before he came on this girl I had never heard of, dressed in all yellow from head to toe, performed. Her voice was so obnoxious and her overly fake and cheery disposition was not my style. I wrote her off as someone who would never make it big. Little did I know that I would start hearing her on the radio all of the time... Well end of story I am obsessed with this song. I still don't know if I like Cam or not, but I will give her the credit she is due for the lovely song.

Port Aransas & Parasailing

Earlier this month, my best friend Amanda and I decided to take a day trip to the beach. We choose Port Aransas and decided that we wanted to go parasailing while we were there. I have lived in Texas all of my life but I had never been to a Texas beach. The whole day was so much fun. It was also exhausting. We left home at 7 AM and got back around 1AM. It was a rough drive home. While we were there though, I got to stand in the Gulf of Mexico for the first time and we got to experience parasailing for the first time together. It is SOOOO much fun and I highly recommend trying it. We did it through Chute'em Up Parasailing and had the most wonderful experience. The group of people we went with were so much fun and the workers made everything feel very easy and comfortable.

Those are the things I have particularly been enjoying over the last few months. I hope that your August treated you well, back to school and all! September is officially here and I could not be more excited. PSL anyone? I'll see you at Starbucks on the 8th :)

Saturday, July 25, 2015


A Self Image Epidemic.

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) I was fortunate enough to be born in the year 1992 and yet I have grown up in a world that makes me feel ashamed to sit here and tell you that I wear a size 10 in jeans. I am actually embarrassed to admit this fact. I feel shame about my weight and the way my body looks. I think less of myself than people who are more similar to societies ideals. How can any self respecting woman sit here and admit that she is so uncomfortable with her body? I have simply been compared to "perfection" my entire life and, like it would any human being, it has affected my view of myself.

In a world where we hear the word epidemic in relation to disease nearly every day, I think that we are letting even bigger issues go undiscussed. In many ways there is an epidemic occurring as I type this that isn't spread through the air or by touch, but by words and hate. The disease that I am referring to doesn't involve bacteria or antibiotics... It lives within a subculture of our society and breeds like wildfire when it is given the right environment and sustenance. The media supplies the life source and society supplies the means for circulation.

Negative Body Image.  

It is a disease. It is a thing that is impacted by society every day. We are born into a world that has an idea of exactly what our bodies should grow to look like. There are no factors which excuse not looking this way.  It doesn't matter what your genetics have to say about the matter. You should be doing everything in your power to live up to what is beautiful.

This mindset has led to an enormous issue on our hands. We have taught generations of women that they are basically ugly, and therefore worthless. We have set a precedent of determining worth in terms of beauty and I for one am tired of it. The real factor which propelled this issue into a full blown epidemic was the introduction of the internet into our environment.

The anonymity which is supplied by the internet has fueled so much hate of other people that society can no longer see that shaming someone else based on physical traits is actually cruel. We are so desensitized to acts of hatred that we don't see them as the problem that they are.

With all of the steps we have taken toward women being equal, it seems that we should be able to sit in a bath suit by the pool without feeling out of place. I realize that some of my insecurities stem from my own self esteem problems, which I have spent years improving, but at the same time there is an endless line of women standing beside me who feel the same way. It is 2015 and this can not be blamed on "hysteria" anymore.

The media have spread a disease which they offer no antidote for.

I think that the women on the big screen, on the small screen, and on the pages of magazines are beautiful. They are often stunning. What they aren't is perfect. Perfection is a dream that has no place in reality. They are beautiful but they are not what I need to look like. I should not aspire to be them someday. Firstly, I am genetically different than the majority of those women. Secondly, I should not aspire to be anyone but myself anyways!

The media could certainly help to cure the disease which it has spread through society, but we are not dependent on them. Love is always the solution to hate. Self love is the ultimate cure for self hate.

I love who I am. In my opinion, I am a wonderful person.

giving, caring, loving, smart, determined, responsible, nurturing, opinionated, educated, ditzy, flawed, learning, changing, forgiving,  growing, optimistic, realistic, analytical, empathetic. 

These are all words that I would sit here and use to describe myself. Note the lack of physical traits. These are the only things that should matter. I am the only person who I need to live up to. I am the only person who needs to love me.

I was part of the problem. I am becoming part of the solution.

Join me.

All By Myself

Feeling Lonely 

I found this gem that I wrote a couple of months back. I now have a roommate but the feelings I was expressing when I wrote this are still relevant to my life. I thought I should share it because maybe they will be relevant to yours as well...

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) I haven't done a post where I just talk about what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling in a while. I started doing this blog as a space where I could talk about things that I want to and express myself so I figure it is the perfect place for me to talk about this thing that has been happening lately.

You see, I live alone. I love my life, and my apartment. I love who I am even. Living alone has definitely tested me though. Being alone can make you feel alone. I get home alone and eat dinner alone and go to sleep alone and wake up alone... Over and over again. I logically know that I am not alone just because I am by myself. I know that if I picked up the phone and called Amanda or got in my car and drove to Ellie's, that they would be there for me in a heartbeat. I have so many people in my life who would drop everything to be with me if I needed them. I am so blessed in that way.

It's just that when you've had a bad day and you get home to an empty apartment it can make you feel sad. Even when everything is going your way, being alone can just give the effect of sadness.

I think sometimes we feel like we can't admit that we feel lonely. Like admitting that we feel lonely and vulnerable means that we are weak. It doesn't. Emotions are meant to be felt and everyone has felt lonely at one point in their life.

The important thing to remember is that if you feel lonely, let yourself feel lonely. Then remember that you are not alone in this world and that even when you are physically alone you still have yourself. You can always count on yourself to be there so make sure you love your constant companion and that you try to remember that you are enough.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Single For The Summer

Why A Summer Romance Is Overrated. 

Hello Lovlies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) I don't know about you but I have been exposed to the idea of a summer romance since before I was old enough to even understand what romance was. The summer fling can be seen everywhere from movies to television to books. It feels like every summer when I look for a fun, silly YA book to put me in the summer mood I browse through nothing but an endless string of books about summer romances.

So where did the romanticized view of summer flings originate? Was it brought on by a generation of young girls watching Grease and wishing that they could go spend the summer on a beach finding their Danny Zuko? Is it the idea of the endless days and nights, uninterrupted by school and responsibilities, that you can spend with this person? Maybe it is the fantasy of going to a place where no one knows you and completely reinventing yourself, while also finding love along the way?

Whatever the reason behind the fascination is, it is definitely an established dream that society puts into young girl's heads. I know that I spent every summer reading books about girls who got to spend their summer at some distant relatives beach house and who, because of this location, found the love of their life... or at least of that summer. I would read these books and wish that some day I could be that girl. Unfortunately for teenage me, I lived hours away from the nearest beach and my parents weren't all that eager to ship me off somewhere for the summer. At the time the idea was so appealing. Actually, the idea seemed pretty appealing all the way through my first few years of college. Those were the years when I was still so desperate to find love. Being alone seemed like the worst fate, and spending the summers alone was simply tragic.

Looking back on those years with the perspective I have gained in my 22 years, I have NO IDEA what I was thinking. I can only blame my fantasizing on the way summer romances were portrayed in the media around me. The truth of the matter is that there is no direct correlation between having a fun, life changing summer and being in a relationship. In fact I have spent all but one of my summers completely single, and I would almost argue that those were some of my most valuable growing experiences.

The summer is a time when you are unregulated by school and schedules. The days feel endless and the nights are filled with adventure. I have spent the majority of my summers running freely. I have had nothing to hold me back. No restrictions, besides the ones set by my parents of course. The feeling of sunshine and freedom is one that can not be replaced. There is something about the heat and the rays of sun hitting your skin that make everything seem magical. I have made some of my best memories in the summertime, and I made those memories completely alone. Well, single at least. I was typically far from alone, as I take this time as an opportunity to surround myself with friends.

I know that being in a relationship during the summer does not ruin it by any means, but it also gives you something that ultimately ties you down. You can't run freely with your friends and flirt endlessly with the boys across the pool. You can't take a family trip to the beach without wishing your SO were with you. Spending the summer being single frees not only your schedule, but your mind. You won't be worrying about what trouble that SO of yours is getting into at camp or off on that road trip with their friends.

I wasted so many of my summers dreaming of being on a beach somewhere and having a guy to fill my time with. While I am still spending this summer wishing I was on a beach, I have outgrown the desire to fill my time with a boy.

I don't need a boy to make my summer amazing. I really don't need a boy to make any part of my life amazing. So if you have been spending summer after summer wishing that there was someone to call your summer fling while the summer passed you by, then I say let's all leave our dream world's this summer and embrace all of the adventurous and freeing things we can do in a summer, even without that summer love.

Besides, if you did have a summer love then you would have to spend your whole summer dreading the day that you had to leave them and go back to the real world. Being single means that you can enjoy all of the magic of summer without fearing its end! 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Fight Song

Take Back Your Life 

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) Over the past few months I have been so intrigued with the idea of things we do and do not have control over in our lives.

We each have things in our lives that are out of our control. I can sit here and name so many things that I have no power to change. Some of these things cause me to feel anxious. Knowing that I have no control over those situations is daunting. How can I be happy when there are so many things that make me unhappy which I just have no influence over? Getting past the things that make me feel sad without changing them can seem impossible.

The thing that I have been so fascinated with as of late is the idea that, while situations can be beyond our ability to control, happiness is never out of reach. Even if it feels like you are drowning in your life and it takes all of your energy just to stay afloat, you are still the only thing that stands between yourself and happiness.

Have you ever met someone who, despite their situation, was just the happiest person you had ever had come into your life? We have all had this experience. The child who has lost a parent, the parent who has lost a child, the mother of two who has just been diagnosed with breast cancer, the veteran who lost their leg to war. The list is endless, but they all have one thing in common. They have realized that being happy is something you can choose... And they have chosen it.

You see, as much as we would like to blame all of the things in our life that we have no control over for our unhappiness, this is simply not true. HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE. No one and nothing can take happiness away from you. Happiness and joy are something that is held in your heart and you can choose to wake up and be happy or wake up and not be happy.

You may be sitting there yelling that I don't understand at your computer screen, but I promise that I do. I have been the person who let the world bring me down. I have sat alone in my room feeling like there was just nothing to be happy about anymore. The thing I didn't realize back then is that I had the potential to be happy, even when things looked so grim. You hold the key.

When it seems like there is nothing to be happy about, it is because you are overlooking all of the blessings in your life. We are surrounded by magical things that should make each of us overwhelmed with happiness every day. The littlest of things add up to the biggest blessings in your life.

Can you see? Can you hear? Can you speak? Can you walk? Are you healthy? Does your body function the way it was meant to? These things may seem like obvious traits that you were just born with, but not everyone was. These things are blessings. We are so used to having the ability to do simple things that we don't think of them as being extraordinary, but they are. When you know someone who doesn't have these abilities then you start to understand just how much they affect your daily life.

Blessings do not have to be major events that have a big flashing "This is a blessing" sign hanging above them. Miracles happen every day. There are so many reasons to be happy. Find them!

I am not trying to sit here and tell you how to live your life, but if you have been struggling to find reasons to be happy then maybe you should take a step back from your daily struggles and write down one thing that you are grateful for each night. Just one thing. I promise you that you will find something new each day, and over time that list will start to grow. Watch it grow and realize that you are truly blessed. As time goes on, take back your ability to be happy. In turn, take back your life.

There are so many things that we have no control over in this world but happiness is not one of them.

Happiness is a choice.

What did you choose today? 

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

I Was Made For Loving You

June Favorites

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) June has flown by! I know that I say that everything month but it really does feel like I missed out on the last month entirely. It almost feels like I fell asleep in May and now I'm waking up and it is July. So strange! I think I will say that it is because of how much my broken foot has thrown off my summer (uses any excuse for why time moves so fast). Despite my set backs with what I wanted to do this summer, I have a lot of very exciting things happening in July that make me so very excited that it has arrived :) Though it feels like this month didn't even happen, I have still managed to be loving some things in June. The list is far from extensive this month but expect to be seeing an entire homeware favorites next month because I AM MOVING in two days and have completely revamped my room. I couldn't be more thrilled or in love, but I figured I should live in the new place before I gush about all of my new purchases. Anywayssssss, now that I am done with my mini rant, here are the things I have been loving lately.

*All items linked when hovered over.*


Marvel Superheroes Shirts 

I got these a few weeks ago when I was looking for things to take on my Washington DC trip. I adore superheroes and just thought these were so cute while also being effortless. I throw them on with a pair of jeans, my grey converse, and my hair down & messy. I love how cute my outfit is and how I can play up my hair and makeup but still look casual. If you are a Marvel fan then buy one of these. So adorable.


Sephora PRO Fan #65

My best friend Amanda (I need to do a post solely on her considering how often her name pops up!) bought me this brush as a part of my amazing birthday present last year. I did a whole post on her outrageous present, it was up in December if you want to go look at it. Anyways, she got my this brush because I constantly complained about how hard it was to apply blush lightly. I have a heavy hand and that can make me look like a clown sometimes. I tried it out back when I got it but I didn't really understand how to use it and it kind of just collected dust on my vanity after that. That was before I saw a tutorial featuring a fan brush a few weeks ago... I have now been using this for my blush EVERY SINGLE DAY. It is so amazing. It really does just give you the most effortless looking blush.

e.l.f. Flawless Concealer Brush 

I picked this up just thinking it looked like a nice sized brush. It has turned out to be one of the most versatile brushes I have ever owned. I use it to set my concealer under my eyes, to apply highlighter, to apply bronzer, and to put simple brown eyeshadow in my crease on light makeup days. It is so good and $3. How can you beat that?

Rimmel London's Scandaleyes Waterproof Kohl Kajal in 003 Brown 

I have included the black version of this pencil in my favorites in the past but I recently switched to brown makeup in an attempt to find a softer look. It was a wonderful decision because this brown pencil looks amazing with my brown eyes. This whole range just has the best formula. It stays put all day and is so pigmented. Perfect from my water line, tight line and my upper lash line.


Audrey Hepburn Picture 

I love Audrey Hepburn. I have loved her since I was a little girl. When I came across this giant frames picture of her at Ross while I was shopping for my apartment, I just knew that it needed to go in my room. She is just so timeless. I can't link where I purchased it unfortunately, because most Ross stores don't carry the same products, but Audrey prints are pretty common if you are on the look out for one :)


Dairy Queen Dip Cones 

From one of my posts earlier this month you may be aware that I broke my foot recently. In an attempt to console myself earlier this month I took to getting these ice cream cones. I've probably had one a week this whole month, which is a big deal considering I am slightly lactose intolerant now, and they make me feel a little sick. So yummy though! Such a classic from my childhood. I can only do a small but it is the perfect size!


In My Veins by Andrew Belle 

In my last months favorites I included the show Castle. It has continued to be a favorite this month (I am now on season 7) and while watching it this song kept popping up. The first time it was played (fans of the show will know the moment I am referring too) I instantly Shazamed it. When I saw that it was an Andrew Belle song I knew why the sound was so familiar. I love Andrew Belle and I instantly purchased this gorgeous song. I have had it on nonstop repeat ever since. I literally have a playlist that only consists of this song, and my next favorite, and I just play it on repeat. So beautiful. Look it up, you won't be disappointed.

Fight Song by Rachel Platten 

I know that this song is such a mega hit that it is almost not cool to include it on my favorites, but I don't care. I LOVE this song. It first crossed my radar when I was looking at the iTunes charts. I saw the song but didn't really take much notice. Then I happened to be scrolling through Tumblr (mine is and came across a video from one of Taylor Swift's 1989 tour stops. She brought Rachel out as her surprise musical guest and they sang Fight Song together. I instantly connected with the lyrics and just felt how true they were for her. I love when lyrics read true to an artist. I find the song inspiring and uplifting and the world always needs more songs like that.

Down The Rabbit Hole: Curious Adventures and Cautionary Tales of a Former Playboy Bunny Audiobook by Holly Madison 

This one is a bit of a cheat considering it wasn't even released until the end of the month but I listened to the entirety of this book in about three days. This was very quick considering all of the other things I got done in those days; aka packing EVERYTHING I own. I was a big fan of The Girls Next Door when I was younger (yes, I was in my preteens watching a show about Hugh Hefner's girlfriends) and when I saw that Holly, who was my favorite, had released a book I had to get it. I immediately went to Audible and used my credit for this month to buy it. I even overlooked a few gems that have been on my wishlist for months. I am so glad I got it though. Listening to Holly herself tell her story was actually really moving. I related to her on a lot of levels while listening to what she had to say. I may not have ever dated one of the world's most notorious bachelors while he simultaneously dated other women, but I have been in relationships that were not healthy or safe, so I completely understood where she was coming from. Some people have insulted her choice to write this book but I am glad that she did. She will give a lot of people the strength and courage that they need to leave a bad situation.

Woah! I feel like I wrote an extra long amount this month. I guess I was just really into all of the things I talked about :) I hope that June treated you wonderfully and that July is even better. Have a wonderful time celebrating Independence Day (if you are in the states like me) and make sure to thank someone who was in the service for protecting our freedom and giving us something to celebrate!

*I am in the middle of a move and taking pictures for this months favorites was just a little too daunting. All of these pictures are from online sources. I will replace them when I get the time!*

Monday, June 22, 2015

Love Story

My Top 25 Taylor Swift Songs 

Hello Lovlies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) I know that this post could rub some people the wrong way. Not every one likes Taylor and that is completely understandable. There isn't anything or anyone that every person is going to like. I however have made it pretty clear on my blog over the years that I love her. Taylor's music has gotten me through so many things in my life and I just think she is an inspiration. In honor of all those times that I have turned to her music when I didn't have anywhere else to turn, here is a list of my top 25 Taylor Swift songs. They range from songs about life, heartbreak, crushes, true love, and mistakes but at their core they all share one thing; they are completely open statements about how it feels to experience those things. They give you something to connect with when you think you are the only person who has ever felt that way. They give you something that shows you aren't alone. At the end of the day Taylor is a real person who has real emotions and she is amazing enough to share those with us in an effort to show us that it is okay to feel things. It is okay to not always be happy. It is okay to fall madly in love more than once. It is okay to forgive. It is okay to not know what you want. It is okay to learn lessons along the way. For that I will always be grateful. 

Taylor Swift Era

A Place In This World

"I don't know what I want, so don't ask me. Cause I'm still trying to figure it out."

Cold As You

"Every smile you fake is so condescending counting all the scars you've made."

Should've Said No

"I can't resist. Before you go tell me this: Was it worth this? Was she worth this?"

Fearless Era


"I'm no one special, just another wide eyed girl who's desperately in love with you."

Forever & Always

"I looked in your eyes. Thought I knew you for a minute, now I'm not so sure."

The Best Day

"I know you were on my side, even when I was wrong."

Speak Now Era

Back To December

"And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind. You gave me all your love and all I gave you was 'goodbye'."

Dear John

"You are an expert at 'sorry' and keeping lines blurry. Never impressed by me acing your tests."


"I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew."


"I hope you remember today is ever too late to be brand me."

Last Kiss

"So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep and I'll feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe."


"Your hands are tough but they are where mine belong."

Red Era


"I can't decide if it's a choice, getting swept away. I hear the sound of my own voice, asking you to stay."

I Knew You Were Trouble

"And the saddest fear comes creeping in that you never loved me, or her, or anyone, or anything."

All Too Well

"You call me up again just to break me like a promise. So casually cruel in the name of being honest."

The Last Time

"You wear your best apology but I was there to watch you leave."

Everything Has Changed

"Your eyes look like coming home."

Begin Again

"And for the first time what's past is past."

Come Back... Be Here

"This is falling in love in the cruelest way. This is falling for you and you are worlds away."

State of Grace (Acoustic Version)

"We learn to live with the pain. Mosaic broken hearts."

1989 Era

Blank Space

"Love's a game, wanna play?"

All You Had To Do Was Stay

"I've been picking up the pieces of the mess you made."

Wildest Dreams

"Nothing lasts forever but this is gonna take me down."


"The water filled my lungs, I screamed so loud but no one heard a thing."

You Are In Love

"And you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars, and why I've spent my whole life trying to put it into words."

Each of these albums have helped me to get through things in my life but these songs specifically have at one time or another been the only songs I listened to for days at a time. These are the kind of songs that just speak to your soul. No matter your opinion on Taylor Swift, she is forever due the credit of how brave it is to honestly put your feelings out there for everyone to see. I have struggled with putting my feels out there for the people I love to see. I can't imagine doing it on a global scale.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Taking Clumsiness To A New Level Since 1992

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) So you know how there are just some people who have a tendency to trip on thin air or walk into walls? Well I happen to be one of those people. Since I was little I have been a walking disaster. If it is possible to trip, drop something, or bump into something I am going to. You name it, I've done it.

I am currently 22 years old and other than an unfortunate basketball related broken finger, I have never broken anything. Being able to say this has been a point of pride for me for years. When you are someone who constantly has bruises you can't even recall getting, it is surprising to people that you have never managed to break anything.

You see, as clumsy as I am, I am not uncoordinated. I have played sports and danced my whole life. I even excelled. My problem isn't that I can't walk and do something else at the same time. The thing with me is that I just happen to bump into counters, and tables, and walls a lot. I do it so frequently that I don't even register it anymore. This is why at any given moment I have bruises that I can't remember getting. It is just how I've always been. Broken bones have never been a part of my equation though. A lot of sprained ankles and bones bruises have occurred of the years, but as I said I have taken pride in not breaking bones. There is only one problem with saying that though...

As of Friday afternoon, I can no longer say I haven't broken anything due to my clumsy nature. You see, on Friday afternoon I was casually walking to the pool with my best friend Amanda. Innocent enough, right? Well apparently not for me, because as I was walking I somehow managed to break my foot.

I blame the wind. This never would have happened if it hadn't been for the breeze in the air. It was the wind that decided to blow my maxi skirt under my foot while I was taking a step. This one thing led to my broken foot. My skirt blowing under my foot caused me to step down on it and this, of course, caused me to lose my balance as my foot was going down. Off balance Jordan managed to put her foot down in the exact right way to break it.

Every person that I have told this story to has asked the same thing, "how did you land on it?" and I have had to tell each of them that I have no idea. I trip all of the time so when I was tripping that time I didn't think anything more of it than I normally do. It is just a common occurrence that I don't make any particular note of. Turns out I should have been paying attention this time because I managed to break my 5th metatarsal (the bone in my foot above my pinky toe) in half. Literally.

So here is my post acknowledging the 6 weeks I will be spending off my feet and in a bulky, tacky boot. Expect to see a lot of posts this month because I am going to need things to occupy my pathetic homebound time. I'm feeling pretty fortunate that it is my left foot though. If I couldn't drive I would feel even more dependent on other people than I already do and I have a hard time letting people help me. I just feel like a burden when I do.

Are you as clumsy as I am? Have you ever broken anything? I'm feeling pretty alone in my embarrassment so let me know in the comments if you've ever tripped your way to an injury too :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Made In America

Our Nation's Capital 

Hello Lovlies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) At the end of May I had the privilege of visiting our nations capital. My parents and I went on a week long trip to Washington DC. It was an extremely humbling experience and I would wholeheartedly recommend that every single United States citizen visit the capital at some point in their lifetime. It is just so amazing to see our history and learn so much about our country. It is truly life changing. Below I have included a general outline of our trip, along with tons of pictures! I hope you enjoy seeing out trip and that it encourages you to add Washington DC to your traveling list. 

Day One: May 17, 2015

Departed Austin. Layover in Atlanta, Georgia. Arrived in Washington DC. Our Hotel. Dinner at Cheesecake Factory. 

Day Two: May 18, 2015

Union Station. The United States Capitol. The Library of Congress. The Supreme Court. Jefferson Memorial. FDR Memorial. MLK Jr Memorial. Korean War Memorial. Lincoln Memorial. Washington Monument. World War II Memorial. 

Day Three: May 19, 2015

The Holocaust Museum. Arlington National Cemetery. JFK Gravesite. The Arlington House. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Changing of the Guard.

Day Four: May 20, 2015

Sick Day. Don't Ask.

Day Five: May 21, 2015

Manassas Battlefield. Antietam Battlefield. 

Day Six: May 22, 2015

The National Archives. The White House. The Capital. Smithsonian Air & Space Museum. Iwo Jima Memorial. 

Day Seven: May 23, 2015

Departed Washington DC. Layover in Atlanta, Georgia. Arrived in Austin. 

Well that was it, my entire DC trip! I hope you liked my pictures :) I may do a more wordy post about the trip later. Let me know if that's something you'd like to see in the comments below. Maybe include a few tips on what it worth seeing and what can be skipped. I also learned a lot of things in terms of tickets and planing! I'd love to share some of those things with y'all. This is a trip that I think everyone should take. Whether you have a week like we did, or just a weekend. It will touch your heart. 
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