Thursday, June 18, 2015


Taking Clumsiness To A New Level Since 1992

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) So you know how there are just some people who have a tendency to trip on thin air or walk into walls? Well I happen to be one of those people. Since I was little I have been a walking disaster. If it is possible to trip, drop something, or bump into something I am going to. You name it, I've done it.

I am currently 22 years old and other than an unfortunate basketball related broken finger, I have never broken anything. Being able to say this has been a point of pride for me for years. When you are someone who constantly has bruises you can't even recall getting, it is surprising to people that you have never managed to break anything.

You see, as clumsy as I am, I am not uncoordinated. I have played sports and danced my whole life. I even excelled. My problem isn't that I can't walk and do something else at the same time. The thing with me is that I just happen to bump into counters, and tables, and walls a lot. I do it so frequently that I don't even register it anymore. This is why at any given moment I have bruises that I can't remember getting. It is just how I've always been. Broken bones have never been a part of my equation though. A lot of sprained ankles and bones bruises have occurred of the years, but as I said I have taken pride in not breaking bones. There is only one problem with saying that though...

As of Friday afternoon, I can no longer say I haven't broken anything due to my clumsy nature. You see, on Friday afternoon I was casually walking to the pool with my best friend Amanda. Innocent enough, right? Well apparently not for me, because as I was walking I somehow managed to break my foot.

I blame the wind. This never would have happened if it hadn't been for the breeze in the air. It was the wind that decided to blow my maxi skirt under my foot while I was taking a step. This one thing led to my broken foot. My skirt blowing under my foot caused me to step down on it and this, of course, caused me to lose my balance as my foot was going down. Off balance Jordan managed to put her foot down in the exact right way to break it.

Every person that I have told this story to has asked the same thing, "how did you land on it?" and I have had to tell each of them that I have no idea. I trip all of the time so when I was tripping that time I didn't think anything more of it than I normally do. It is just a common occurrence that I don't make any particular note of. Turns out I should have been paying attention this time because I managed to break my 5th metatarsal (the bone in my foot above my pinky toe) in half. Literally.

So here is my post acknowledging the 6 weeks I will be spending off my feet and in a bulky, tacky boot. Expect to see a lot of posts this month because I am going to need things to occupy my pathetic homebound time. I'm feeling pretty fortunate that it is my left foot though. If I couldn't drive I would feel even more dependent on other people than I already do and I have a hard time letting people help me. I just feel like a burden when I do.

Are you as clumsy as I am? Have you ever broken anything? I'm feeling pretty alone in my embarrassment so let me know in the comments if you've ever tripped your way to an injury too :)

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