Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Crazy In Love

March Favorites 

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) March has gone by much to quickly! It has been a beautiful month. I've just had so much love around me lately and it makes life that much more lovely. These are some of the things I have simply been adoring this month! 


Halter Crop Top 

I think I featured this shirt on my favorites last year, but I recently rediscovered it. I have been wearing it a ton with skirts and with my new kimono! I just love the halter shape on me. I think it is really flattering. 

Longhorn Maxi Skirt 

When I bought this skirt (at Target) I wasn't totally sure about it. I had never owned a maxi skirt before and I didn't know if I liked the way it looked on me but over the last month I have fallen in love. I throw it on all the time and I get compliments on the pattern lots :)


Sunflower Headband

When spring rolls around I always take it as a sign that I should start wearing flower headbands again. I love floral headbands. I think they are so pretty. I know some people think they are childish or basic but I don't really care what anyone else thinks. I wear what I like! 


Benefit Roller Lash 

I was hesitant to purchase this mascara because I am not a huge plastic brush fan but I am glad I took the chance. I actually used some of my Ulta points to purchase it so I got a $24 mascara for $16, which I thought was pretty impressive. Speaking of impressive, this mascara is seriously on point. I am going to do an entire review on it because it is just to good not to. 

Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette 

I love this palette. If you are a neutrals kind of girl (or boy!) then you will love this. Go buy it. Now. Like really, right now. 

My Pedicure

I don't know what it is about this pedicure but I love it. I have not stopped talking about my toes since I got it. This color is just gorgeous! I am going to have to buy it. 


Any Iced Coffee 

I love iced coffee on a hot day and considering the fact that I study at a coffee place nearly everyday, I have been having a lot of iced coffee!


50 Shades of Grey Series 

Yes, I am embarrassed to include this but I am supposed to be talking about my favorite things and this series has been a HUGE part of my March! I started reading the books because my best friend Clay really wanted me to see the movie with him. The thing with me is that if I am going to see a movie that was a book originally, I have to read the book first. The book is just always better. It was, in case you were wondering. I got so hooked on the storyline that I have read all three this month. Keep in mind that the movie didn't even come out until Valentine's Day and I started reading a good while after that. I am almost done with the third book and I am already sad that it is ending. Give the series a chance if you like character driven things. The writing isn't the best but it doesn't mater when you like the characters :) 

Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding 

I am obsessed with this song. I listen to it on repeat in my car and in my apartment and while I am sitting at Starbucks writing this post! It is so good. It is catchy and upbeat and Ellie's voice sounds so wonderful!

Spring is officially here and so is April! I hope that your April is filled with flowers and sunshine :) 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Love Me Like You Do

Spring Has Sprung 

Hello Lovlies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) That spring weather has officially decided to show its face here in the beautiful ATX area. This change came perfectly timed with the arrival of spring break. Though it isn't my favorite season, I was still excited to see the season change! I will miss a lot of things from the colder seasons but I am looking forward to so many of the things that are coming along with the warmer weather! Everything just seems to come to life in the Spring. It's like the flowers blooming and the sun shinning make people feel alive again after all of the cold months. Autumn is my favorite season but one thing that it does lack in comparison to the Spring is the sunshine beating down! Over spring break I managed to get a tan while out and about having a blast! I got to sit out by the pool, go out on the boat, and go to a few shows at SXSW (which even as an ATX native, was my first time attending the event). 

Along with the arrival of spring a lot of other things that I love are going to start to happen and here is a list of just a few of the things that I will be enjoying this spring 2015!

Iced Coffee
Iced Tea
Iced Everything!
Spring Break
Glowing/Tan Skin
Poolside Time
Going On The Lake
Flowers Blooming 
Flowers In My Hair 
Baseball Season
Bright Nails 
Easter Sunday
Country Music
Windows Rolled Down

All of this sunshine had just been making me so happy that I needed to acknowledge it in a post :) What is your favorite thing about the Spring time? Anything you're looking forward to in the next few months? Let me know in the comments! Let's make this Spring the best it can be!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Winner At A Losing Game

Liebster Award Nomination 

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) So I was sweetly nominated for a Liebster Award by the lovely Alexandra of Doing Life My Way*. I have never been nominated for anything here in the blog world before and figured it would be fun to participate in this little chain. It's always nice to get involved in the community we have in the wonderful corner of the internet that is blogging. 

I am going to jump right into it but first some rules: 
1. Link the person who nominated you.
2. List eleven facts about yourself. 
3. Answer the eleven questions asked by the person who graciously nominated you. 
4. Nominate eleven other bloggers. 
5. Ask the people you have nominated eleven of your own questions. 
6. Let the people you nominated know that you have picked them and leave them the link to your questions :) 

Eleven Facts About Me 

1. I am a Sagittarius, which is a fire sign.  
2. I am secretly scared to press publish every time I finish a blog post. 
3. I try and say I was born & raised in Texas but I was actually born in California. I didn't come to Texas until I was 11 months old. 
4. I love to play the Lego Indian Jones & Marvel Superheroes video games with my best friend Clay. 
5. I have read multiple books and watched multiple documentaries on the Kennedy family. I think they are so fascinating. 
6. I am so worried about not being able to have a baby that, at 22, I already want to do fertility tests. 
7. My favorite color is mint. 
8. Sometimes I think I am actually prettier without makeup on. 
9. On more than one occasion I have spent an entire Saturday in bed reading a book from cover to cover. 
10. I desperately want to start making videos but am far to anxious to start.  
11. When I look at "The Dress" I see white & gold. 

The Eleven Questions Alexandra Asked Me

Question One: What is your favorite blog?
A: The blog that ultimately got me hooked on blogs was Zoe Sugg's, so I think she deserves the spot as my favorite. 

Question Two: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
A: I have had a dream list of destination since before I was even in school but that list has grown exponentially as I have gotten older. I think that if I could pick up right now and go that the place on my list I'd choose is London, England. 

Question Three: What is your favorite app? 
A: Considering that every time I pick up my phone I open Instagram I think I am somehow required to pick it. 

Question Four: Favorite high street shop?
A: Umm... I live in the US and I'm not entirely sure what high street shops are. I mean I hear all of my favorite Brits on Youtube talk about high street a lot but I don't think we have one of those here. *makes awkward face*

Question Five: What advice do you wish someone had given you when you first started blogging? 
A: "You are going to fall in love with this new 'casual hobby' and then realize that it is a huge commitment. Have fun learning time management skills!" 

Question Six: What is your fashion essential? 
A: I think that the answer to this could easily just be dresses because almost my entire closet is filled with them but when it boils down to it the thing I really can't finish an outfit without is a cardigan. 

Question Seven: What is your favorite makeup brand? 
A: If I am answering in terms of drug store then I have been loving all things Rimmel London. If this is referring more to Ulta & Sephora brand then I think that right now I'd have to go with Too Faced; I've just been loving their stuff. 

Question Eight: What is your favorite food? 
A: Well if I could choose to eat anything everyday I think it would have to be chips & queso, so I think I've got my answer! 

Question Nine: What would your dream job be?
A: I would love for this hobby to become my job, or at least to make enough money doing it to support the hobby itself! Makeup & clothes are expensive! 

Question Ten: Sweet or Savory? 
A: Savory for days. 

Question Eleven: What is your favorite movie? 
A: The answer to this question has changed so many times over my 22 years but right now it is a toss up between Pretty Woman & Clue, because those two movies have so much in common... not! 

My Eleven Questions For My Nominees 

1. Dream place to live?

2. What is the most played song in your music library?

3. Coffee or Tea. Why?

4. What is your favorite Disney movie of all time?

5. If you could only wear makeup or style your hair for the rest of your life, which would you pick? 

6. Do you have a favorite quote? What is it?

7. What is your favorite blog post you've ever written? Leave us the link :)

8. What is your favorite season?

9. If you could do any one thing with no consequences, what would it be? 

10. You can only read blogs or watch Youtube videos from now on. Which do you pick? 

11. If you could only recommend one makeup product, what would it be?

That's all of my questions answered & asked! I hope you enjoyed this post :)

*Linked if hovered over. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

After The Storm

Feeling Overwhelmed. 

"And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears. And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears. Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair."
-After The Storm, Mumford & Sons 

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) Have you ever had one of those days or weeks or months where things are just hard? Something is happening in your life that is on your mind no matter what you are doing, and it makes you feel as if you aren't fully doing anything you attempt to. Well I have been having one of those months. Distraction after distraction is popping up in my life. Not distractions such as Netflix. I am talking about distractions that are serious and I am drowning in all of the effort I am having to put into just walking out the door lately. There is so much happening that doing my daily tasks is just daunting. Sitting in class or being at work is a welcome distraction but it is also hard to focus on what I am doing. I usually try to only put positive energy out into the world because I feel like there is enough negative energy out there without my contributing to it, but things have just been hard lately. Has anyone else been in this place? I know that things get hard for everyone but something about the way I am feeling is having the side effect of making me feel alone. Even when I talk about the things happen in my life, I still feel like I am just not making any sense to anyone. That's when I can talk to someone about it. I don't really like to tell people about problems I am having because I know that they have their own problems and I don't want to burden them with mine as well. In the grand scheme of things my problems aren't even that big. I know that. It's just that they are consuming my thoughts and my time. I was sick for entire week this month and it just made me feel stretched thin trying to get everything done. The hardest thing right now is that my dad might be sick and due to problems with tests and with scheduling we have been waiting to find out what is wrong for weeks. We know that the answer might not be good, which is hard enough to handle but when you add in this element of just sitting around and waiting, it is nearly unbearable. One of my favorite quotes is "And if you can't say yes, answer anyway. Because I'd rather live with the answer than die with the question." because I ultimately would rather know, even if it isn't what I want to hear. I don't want my dad to be sick but if he is then I want to know. I want to know what we can do moving forward and then start working towards a solution. I don't like sitting around with no control over the situation. I worry so much. I also recently found out that one of my dearest friends is moving to another state in the fall. I am so used to having him here with me and going through life together that when I heard the news I just cried. It was a release of all of the things I have been bottling up but it also was just out of sadness for losing the current dynamic we have together. I have also been having problems in the dating area, which is all new to me. I've been single for four years and jumping into the dating pool has proven to be difficult. It isn't the biggest problem ever but adding it into my life when I am already spread so thin is just making it seem like no relationship is worth it. I know that all of these things might seem very trivial to you but they have just been making my life feel out of control. I have just been so busy and then adding all of these things that I can't get off my mind to the equation has been making me feel so overwhelmed. 

I know that this isn't my typical kind of post but I started this blog as an outlet for expressing myself and I have just been feeling so overwhelmed, lost, and alone that I wanted to use this space to express all of that. I think I will feel better if I just release some of my thoughts out into the world and try to clear my mind a bit. If you are feeling this way now or ever have I think that a great thing to keep in mind is that the best moments in your life wouldn't seem nearly as wonderful if you had never experienced difficult times. It is all a part of your story and will ultimately lead you toward where you are supposed to be going. 

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