Thursday, March 5, 2015

Winner At A Losing Game

Liebster Award Nomination 

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) So I was sweetly nominated for a Liebster Award by the lovely Alexandra of Doing Life My Way*. I have never been nominated for anything here in the blog world before and figured it would be fun to participate in this little chain. It's always nice to get involved in the community we have in the wonderful corner of the internet that is blogging. 

I am going to jump right into it but first some rules: 
1. Link the person who nominated you.
2. List eleven facts about yourself. 
3. Answer the eleven questions asked by the person who graciously nominated you. 
4. Nominate eleven other bloggers. 
5. Ask the people you have nominated eleven of your own questions. 
6. Let the people you nominated know that you have picked them and leave them the link to your questions :) 

Eleven Facts About Me 

1. I am a Sagittarius, which is a fire sign.  
2. I am secretly scared to press publish every time I finish a blog post. 
3. I try and say I was born & raised in Texas but I was actually born in California. I didn't come to Texas until I was 11 months old. 
4. I love to play the Lego Indian Jones & Marvel Superheroes video games with my best friend Clay. 
5. I have read multiple books and watched multiple documentaries on the Kennedy family. I think they are so fascinating. 
6. I am so worried about not being able to have a baby that, at 22, I already want to do fertility tests. 
7. My favorite color is mint. 
8. Sometimes I think I am actually prettier without makeup on. 
9. On more than one occasion I have spent an entire Saturday in bed reading a book from cover to cover. 
10. I desperately want to start making videos but am far to anxious to start.  
11. When I look at "The Dress" I see white & gold. 

The Eleven Questions Alexandra Asked Me

Question One: What is your favorite blog?
A: The blog that ultimately got me hooked on blogs was Zoe Sugg's, so I think she deserves the spot as my favorite. 

Question Two: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
A: I have had a dream list of destination since before I was even in school but that list has grown exponentially as I have gotten older. I think that if I could pick up right now and go that the place on my list I'd choose is London, England. 

Question Three: What is your favorite app? 
A: Considering that every time I pick up my phone I open Instagram I think I am somehow required to pick it. 

Question Four: Favorite high street shop?
A: Umm... I live in the US and I'm not entirely sure what high street shops are. I mean I hear all of my favorite Brits on Youtube talk about high street a lot but I don't think we have one of those here. *makes awkward face*

Question Five: What advice do you wish someone had given you when you first started blogging? 
A: "You are going to fall in love with this new 'casual hobby' and then realize that it is a huge commitment. Have fun learning time management skills!" 

Question Six: What is your fashion essential? 
A: I think that the answer to this could easily just be dresses because almost my entire closet is filled with them but when it boils down to it the thing I really can't finish an outfit without is a cardigan. 

Question Seven: What is your favorite makeup brand? 
A: If I am answering in terms of drug store then I have been loving all things Rimmel London. If this is referring more to Ulta & Sephora brand then I think that right now I'd have to go with Too Faced; I've just been loving their stuff. 

Question Eight: What is your favorite food? 
A: Well if I could choose to eat anything everyday I think it would have to be chips & queso, so I think I've got my answer! 

Question Nine: What would your dream job be?
A: I would love for this hobby to become my job, or at least to make enough money doing it to support the hobby itself! Makeup & clothes are expensive! 

Question Ten: Sweet or Savory? 
A: Savory for days. 

Question Eleven: What is your favorite movie? 
A: The answer to this question has changed so many times over my 22 years but right now it is a toss up between Pretty Woman & Clue, because those two movies have so much in common... not! 

My Eleven Questions For My Nominees 

1. Dream place to live?

2. What is the most played song in your music library?

3. Coffee or Tea. Why?

4. What is your favorite Disney movie of all time?

5. If you could only wear makeup or style your hair for the rest of your life, which would you pick? 

6. Do you have a favorite quote? What is it?

7. What is your favorite blog post you've ever written? Leave us the link :)

8. What is your favorite season?

9. If you could do any one thing with no consequences, what would it be? 

10. You can only read blogs or watch Youtube videos from now on. Which do you pick? 

11. If you could only recommend one makeup product, what would it be?

That's all of my questions answered & asked! I hope you enjoyed this post :)

*Linked if hovered over. 

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