Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I'll Be There For You

My Top 10 Friends Episodes 

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) Friends is one of the best ensemble casts in the history of sitcoms. Anyone can sit and watch an episode of the show and enjoy themselves. I know my whole family does! I own the boxset of the show and have probably seen the series all the way through at least four time. I've certainly seen some episodes a good deal more than that. In honor of Friends being added to Netflix I thought I'd do a post on my favorite episodes. The list could go on and on but I have managed to narrow it down to my top ten.

10. The Last One (Season 10, Episode 17)

I love the way Friends ended. I love that I get to decide what happened to them. They don't try and cram the rest of these six characters lives into an hour long finale. They simple end in the middle of them living their lives and I get to imagine that they all lived the life I wanted them to.

9. The One With The Proposal (Season 6, Episode 24 & 25)

My favorite couple is Monica & Chandler. I could easily make this entire countdown about their relationship (hmmm, maybe I'll do one of those some day!) but I only included a few. I chose the proposal episode because I can't get through it without crying and it is just such a pivotal moment on the show.

8. The One With The Jellyfish (Season 4, Episode 1)

This episode may be an important moment in Ross & Rachel but my favorite storyline in it is the titles name sake. The comedic timing in the discussion of what happened on the beach is genius. Plus Ross yelling "We were on a break!" for the thousandth time was perfect.

7. The One With The Cop (Season 5, Episode 16)

This episode may not have the most impacting storylines but it does contain one of the best performances from David in the entire series. Who can think about the "pivot" scene without laughing?

6. The One With The Videotape (Season 8, Episode 4)

Not only is this a turning point in the Ross & Rachel storyline, but it is filled with hilarious moments from start to finish. The magical Europe story that you tell when you want to have sex was one of the writers crowning moments.

5. The One With All The Kissing (Season 5, Episode 2)

I endlessly laugh while I watch this episode. Each time Chandler kisses one of the girls I just can't help but giggle. I'm sure Matthew didn't mind having to go to work that week!

4. The One Where Ross Got High (Season 6, Episode 9)

I don't know that I ever laugh harder while watching friends than I do during the end segment of this episodes. Each friend yelling out proclamations after Thanksgiving dinner is just so perfect. I love all of the Thanksgiving episodes, they are a series staple, but this is my favorite.

3. The One Where Everyone Finds Out (Season 5, Episode 14)

Who could forget the endless back and forth that ensues when it becomes known that Chandler & Monica are an item? Plus the forever touching moment of Chandler professing his love for Monica *sigh*.

2. The One With The Embryos (Season 4, Episode 12)

Phoebe having her brothers baby + Ross running a "who knows who better" game + Monica & Rachel versus Joey & Chandler + An apartment on the line = One magical episode.

1. The One Where No One's Ready (Season 3, Episode 2)

The six friends in Monica & Rachel's apartment. That's all it is. In real time. The perfect formula for an unforgettable episode that I have watched countless times.

That's my personal countdown of the top ten episodes of friends. I know that you could ask any Friends fan to write their own list and no two peoples would match, so don't be upset if your favorite didn't make the cut! Let know your favorite episodes in the comments! Now head over to Netflix and binge on the series some :)

*I did NOT create any of the gifs on this blog post. They were all taken from Tumblr*

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