Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Oh, Tonight

Setting Aside Your Pride 

(n.) a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements.

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) I have learned the hard way, more than once, that pride can take something that is great and completely destroy it. Not only have I experienced this first hand, but I have watched people that I love, tear apart relationships because of their pesky pride. While I can admit that pride can be helpful in the sense of achieving your goals, I think that it ultimately hurts us more than it helps. How many times have you liked someone but refused to tell them because you wanted them to tell you first? What about disagreeing with the way someone is treating you, but not telling them because you think they should just know you are upset? These are examples of your pride getting in the way of what you want. 

This can sound a little bit crazy if you think about it. I mean, why would your own pride make you end up without things that you want? Shouldn't your brain be helping you get everything you've ever wanted, not be sabotaging you? Well, that just isn't the case. We self sabotage all of the time. At least I know I do, and I see if happening around me quite frequently. 

You see pride is the voice in the back of your head that makes you hold back your feelings in order to protect you from rejection or being wrong. You want to be right and make choices that lead to that result. What would happen if you tell that person that you like, that you like them so much that you can't think of anything else? Ultimately the worst thing that can happen is that they say they don't feel the same. Not so bad, right? Wrong. Everyone fears rejection. The annoying voice in your head is telling you to after all. It only wants you to do things that have a guaranteed positive outcome. 

I have personally missed out on so many wonderful opportunities out of the fear of being wrong or rejected. My pride gets in the way all the time. I just have this need to satisfy it. I am too proud to say how I am really feeling. 

I don't know about you, but I am tired of it. I am ready to go out into the world and say "This is me. Deal with it." to anyone or any situation that my pride is telling me to hold back from. What do I have to lose? Nothing. What do I have to gain? Everything. 

Lets all make a deal with ourselves to not hold back from what we want. 

Tell that guy that you are friends with that you want more. The worst that can come of it is the word NO. And I think that we should all be a little less afraid of that word. It isn't innately bad. It can lead to the most wonderful things in your life if you are willing to let it. 

So set aside your pride with me, and let's go try and get what we really want in life. You'd be amazed what a little less pride and a little more risk taking will do for your happiness. 

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