Monday, April 27, 2015

Please Remember Me

I Wrote This For You  

Hello Lovelies. I'm Jordan Nicole :) This week I was feeling a bit blue so I did something to treat myself a little. We all need to treat ourselves to something every now and then. My spurge was to buy a book that has been one of my favorites for a long time. I first purchased it on my kindle one late night and then proceeded to read the entire thing that night. I can honestly say that reading it changed me. Every once in a while you find a book that just speaks to your soul in a way that nothing ever has before. This book was that for me. I have always wanted to own it in its physical form, but had never managed to purchase it for myself. 

I Wrote This For You isn't really a book. It is more like a collection of poems. The most eloquent and magnificent poems you will ever read. It isn't poetry in the classic sense of the term. You aren't going to read it and compare it to Walt Whitman, but it is something that has touched my soul. Along with each poem there is also a photograph. All of the photography was done by Jon Ellis, and it is the perfect touch to complete the book. The author chooses to go by the pin name, pleasefindthis. If you read I Wrote This For You, you will see that this pin name is very moving. 

I know that this isn't my typical post but I figured that if I have found this thing that is so amazing, then shouldn't I share it? I have personally read through this book six or seven times. I think that says something. It also happens to be poetry month, so this is a way to celebrate it :) 

In order to share a taste of how amazing it is, I thought I would include a handful of my favorite pages.

The Bibliography Of Strings
And you taught me what it feels like. And the how it feels to lose it. And you showed me who I wanted. And then who I wasn't. And you ticked every box. And then drew a line. And you weren't mine to begin with. And then not to end with. And you looked like everything I wanted. And then became something I hated. And you get thought of everyday. And then not in a good way. And you let me leave. And then you wish I'd stayed. And you almost killed me. But I didn't die.

The Point Of Contact
And then my soul saw you and it kind of went "Oh there you are. I've been looking for you."

The Ghost Train
And if you can't say yes, answer anyways. Because I'd rather live with the answer than die with the question.

The Fragile Arc
It may have just been a moment to you, but it changed every single one that followed for me.

The Needle And Ink
Look at you, like a new tattoo. Because I might not always have you but I'll have the feeling of you for the rest of my life.

The Forgotten Feeling 
I know there was something before you. I just can't remember what it was.

The End Of That 
If you thought that was our second chance, you're wrong. It was our last.

The Bridge From Solitude
Just like you mistook lust for love, you have mistaken being alone with loneliness. So I'm fine. Thank you for asking.

The Tales From Bar
You're just another story I can't tell anymore.

The Next Stop
Only because it's still so raw and real. Soon I'll just be a series of images that sometimes flash through your mind, when you least expect. And after that, only a few will stay. Then, one. A memory of a memory.

The City Rises And Falls 
You were a dream. Then a reality. Now a memory.

The Seconds Before Launch
This isn't me missing you. This is me missing the me I used to be. This isn't me.

The Fragments Belong Together
Things just break sometimes. Maybe we should blame that third personality we became, that personality we shared together. Maybe it's their fault because you're a good person and I think I'm a good person too. We just weren't made for this.

The Refracted Night 
You forget that, in the dark, we must move closer together in order to see each other. You were never alone.

The Rain Was Once A Cloud
Know someone as much as you can. Hold onto the moments that define them. Then when their body leaves, they won't.

Those are just some amazing segments from an even more amazing book. If you are a fan of observations about the world around you then I would say this is a must read for you. 

I Wrote This For You is available in both digital and physical forms. You can purchase it on or from Barnes & Noble

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